The Playshop

Incorporate play into your next gathering while growing in your emotional intelligence! Include the date, location, and number of people.

Before ferrets became household pets, they were used to flush out underground vermin. Likewise, this Playshop will help you Ferret Out™ the thoughts and feelings that reside below the surface. We call this the underground adventure.

The Ferret Flush® Playshop utilizes content from the Ferret Flush® Card Game and the Ferret Out™ Journal. We will play a variation of Ferret Flush®, share authentic personal stories of failure and transformation, and take inventory of our own thoughts, feelings, and actions to life’s situations.

A few things will happen as you invest in your spiritual and emotional well-being. First, you’ll grow in your awareness of the underground adventure. Second, you’ll grow in your connection with others by articulating your awarenesses. Lastly, you’ll have fun integrating new tools in your everyday life and leadership.

It’s a fine day to be a ferret.

Brittany Viola & Anthony Gonzalez

Hosted Playshops: Athletes In Action | Family Life | Christ Journey Church | Christian Medical & Dental Associations | True North Classical Academy | Vous Church